Monday, 1 July 2019

How To Choose The Perfect Fleece Picnic Blanket?

To be prepared for a picnic; having the perfect picnic blanket or outdoor blanket is the first thing you will need. There are a large number of picnic blankets out there, but not all might be right for you. Here are few important things to look for when selecting the perfect fleece picnic blankets:

1)      How big do you want your fleece picnic blanket to be?
Firstly you have to see how many persons are going for the picnic; are you with your family or just by yourself? The perfect picnic blanket should be about five or six feet. 

2)      How easy is it to store?
 It is ideal to find a picnic blanket that can simply packed or stored. Look for a blanket that doesn't have separate carrying straps or a separate carrying box. These can get lost easily and sometimes it is hard to fit the blanket back into after the first use.

3)      What material is used in making of the blanket?
 You want to look at picnic blankets that have waterproof. These are easy to wash. Some blankets have a rubber-like backing and are not easy to wash. You should also consider having two layers; the top layer is a quality anti-pill fleece and the lower one is of nylon.

You also have to consider quality over price. There are many fleece picnic blankets in the market that vary from cheap to luxury. You might get a picnic blanket for low price but it might be small in size, cheaply made, and might fell apart after washing it one time. Remember that, this is a blanket you should plan on keeping for years and something you can use in an emergency. Choose the blanket so that you will be thankful that you got the perfect blanket when you have an unplanned picnic on a beautiful day.

If you want to buy a perfect fleece picnic blanket visit us at

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